86 research outputs found

    Hybrid 2D and 3D face verification

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    Face verification is a challenging pattern recognition problem. The face is a biometric that, we as humans, know can be recognised. However, the face is highly deformable and its appearance alters significantly when the pose, illumination or expression changes. These changes in appearance are most notable for texture images, or two-dimensional (2D) data. But the underlying structure of the face, or three dimensional (3D) data, is not changed by pose or illumination variations. Over the past five years methods have been investigated to combine 2D and 3D face data to improve the accuracy and robustness of face verification. Much of this research has examined the fusion of a 2D verification system and a 3D verification system, known as multi-modal classifier score fusion. These verification systems usually compare two feature vectors (two image representations), a and b, using distance or angular-based similarity measures. However, this does not provide the most complete description of the features being compared as the distances describe at best the covariance of the data, or the second order statistics (for instance Mahalanobis based measures). A more complete description would be obtained by describing the distribution of the feature vectors. However, feature distribution modelling is rarely applied to face verification because a large number of observations is required to train the models. This amount of data is usually unavailable and so this research examines two methods for overcoming this data limitation: 1. the use of holistic difference vectors of the face, and 2. by dividing the 3D face into Free-Parts. The permutations of the holistic difference vectors is formed so that more observations are obtained from a set of holistic features. On the other hand, by dividing the face into parts and considering each part separately many observations are obtained from each face image; this approach is referred to as the Free-Parts approach. The extra observations from both these techniques are used to perform holistic feature distribution modelling and Free-Parts feature distribution modelling respectively. It is shown that the feature distribution modelling of these features leads to an improved 3D face verification system and an effective 2D face verification system. Using these two feature distribution techniques classifier score fusion is then examined. This thesis also examines methods for performing classifier fusion score fusion. Classifier score fusion attempts to combine complementary information from multiple classifiers. This complementary information can be obtained in two ways: by using different algorithms (multi-algorithm fusion) to represent the same face data for instance the 2D face data or by capturing the face data with different sensors (multimodal fusion) for instance capturing 2D and 3D face data. Multi-algorithm fusion is approached as combining verification systems that use holistic features and local features (Free-Parts) and multi-modal fusion examines the combination of 2D and 3D face data using all of the investigated techniques. The results of the fusion experiments show that multi-modal fusion leads to a consistent improvement in performance. This is attributed to the fact that the data being fused is collected by two different sensors, a camera and a laser scanner. In deriving the multi-algorithm and multi-modal algorithms a consistent framework for fusion was developed. The consistent fusion framework, developed from the multi-algorithm and multimodal experiments, is used to combine multiple algorithms across multiple modalities. This fusion method, referred to as hybrid fusion, is shown to provide improved performance over either fusion system on its own. The experiments show that the final hybrid face verification system reduces the False Rejection Rate from 8:59% for the best 2D verification system and 4:48% for the best 3D verification system to 0:59% for the hybrid verification system; at a False Acceptance Rate of 0:1%

    Subset Feature Learning for Fine-Grained Category Classification

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    Fine-grained categorisation has been a challenging problem due to small inter-class variation, large intra-class variation and low number of training images. We propose a learning system which first clusters visually similar classes and then learns deep convolutional neural network features specific to each subset. Experiments on the popular fine-grained Caltech-UCSD bird dataset show that the proposed method outperforms recent fine-grained categorisation methods under the most difficult setting: no bounding boxes are presented at test time. It achieves a mean accuracy of 77.5%, compared to the previous best performance of 73.2%. We also show that progressive transfer learning allows us to first learn domain-generic features (for bird classification) which can then be adapted to specific set of bird classes, yielding improvements in accuracy

    Fine-grained classification via mixture of deep convolutional neural networks

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    We present a novel deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) system for fine-grained image classification, called a mixture of DCNNs (MixDCNN). The fine-grained image classification problem is characterised by large intra-class variations and small inter-class variations. To overcome these problems our proposed MixDCNN system partitions images into K subsets of similar images and learns an expert DCNN for each subset. The output from each of the K DCNNs is combined to form a single classification decision. In contrast to previous techniques, we provide a formulation to perform joint end-to-end training of the K DCNNs simultaneously. Extensive experiments, on three datasets using two network structures (AlexNet and GoogLeNet), show that the proposed MixDCNN system consistently outperforms other methods. It provides a relative improvement of 12.7% and achieves state-of-the-art results on two dataset

    Towards unsupervised weed scouting for agricultural robotics

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    Weed scouting is an important part of modern integrated weed management but can be time consuming and sparse when performed manually. Automated weed scouting and weed destruction has typically been performed using classification systems able to classify a set group of species known a priori. This greatly limits deployability as classification systems must be retrained for any field with a different set of weed species present within them. In order to overcome this limitation, this paper works towards developing a clustering approach to weed scouting which can be utilized in any field without the need for prior species knowledge. We demonstrate our system using challenging data collected in the field from an agricultural robotics platform. We show that considerable improvements can be made by (i) learning low-dimensional (bottleneck) features using a deep convolutional neural network to represent plants in general and (ii) tying views of the same area (plant) together. Deploying this algorithm on in-field data collected by AgBotII, we are able to successfully cluster cotton plants from grasses without prior knowledge or training for the specific plants in the field

    Peduncle detection of sweet pepper for autonomous crop harvesting: Combined colour and 3D information

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    This paper presents a 3D visual detection method for the challenging task of detecting peduncles of sweet peppers (Capsicum annuum) in the field. Cutting the peduncle cleanly is one of the most difficult stages of the harvesting process, where the peduncle is the part of the crop that attaches it to the main stem of the plant. Accurate peduncle detection in 3D space is therefore a vital step in reliable autonomous harvesting of sweet peppers, as this can lead to precise cutting while avoiding damage to the surrounding plant. This paper makes use of both colour and geometry information acquired from an RGB-D sensor and utilises a supervised-learning approach for the peduncle detection task. The performance of the proposed method is demonstrated and evaluated using qualitative and quantitative results (the Area-Under-the-Curve (AUC) of the detection precision-recall curve). We are able to achieve an AUC of 0.71 for peduncle detection on field-grown sweet peppers. We release a set of manually annotated 3D sweet pepper and peduncle images to assist the research community in performing further research on this topic

    Acute mountain sickness.

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    Acute mountain sickness (AMS) is a clinical syndrome occurring in otherwise healthy normal individuals who ascend rapidly to high altitude. Symptoms develop over a period ofa few hours or days. The usual symptoms include headache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, unsteadiness of gait, undue dyspnoea on moderate exertion and interrupted sleep. AMS is unrelated to physical fitness, sex or age except that young children over two years of age are unduly susceptible. One of the striking features ofAMS is the wide variation in individual susceptibility which is to some extent consistent. Some subjects never experience symptoms at any altitude while others have repeated attacks on ascending to quite modest altitudes. Rapid ascent to altitudes of 2500 to 3000m will produce symptoms in some subjects while after ascent over 23 days to 5000m most subjects will be affected, some to a marked degree. In general, the more rapid the ascent, the higher the altitude reached and the greater the physical exertion involved, the more severe AMS will be. Ifthe subjects stay at the altitude reached there is a tendency for acclimatization to occur and symptoms to remit over 1-7 days

    Feature Modelling of PCA Difference Vectors for 2D and 3D Face Recognition

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    This paper examines the the effectiveness of feature modelling to conduct 2D and 3D face recognition. In particular, PCA difference vectors are modelled using Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) which describe Intra-Personal (IP) and Extra-Personal (EP) variations. Two classifiers, an IP and IPEP classifier, are formed using these GMMs and their performance is compared to that of the Mahalanobis cosine metric (MahCosine). The best results for the 2D and 3D face modalities are obtained with the IP and IPEP classifiers respectively. The multi-modal fusion of these two systems provided consistent performance improvement across the FRGC database v2.0
